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Monday, February 21, 2011

A Letter To A Concerned Father

Ok, so this is supposed to be a 'rant'. Of course I chose to do it about my culture because its rules are so sexist, I think the word sexist doesn't ever cover it. Anyways, yeah hopefully you enjoy this...It was supposed to be 400 words, but I'm 42 words over...Well, fuck that, I can't think of anywhere else to cut  down, don't blame for having so much to say. 

I sincerely thank you for providing me with all the security in the world. I look at the word prison with a new light. I appreciate you looking out for my innocence by restricting me from seeing my friends. You’ve made it clear to me that all guys my age are a bunch of perverted sex offenders when you refuse to even bring up the word ‘boy’ in the house. Most of all, I thank you for teaching me manners. I shall never say anything because of how disrespectful it is to you. After all, I’m just a 17 year old, naïve little girl.

The way you discipline us is exceptional. You let us say absolutely nothing. I cannot even express the amount of appreciation I have towards you. You are leaving us with fewer worries by taking over everything possible. Seriously, thank you, not. 

I can accept some of your traditions and rules. I truly can. I don’t plan on doing drugs or dancing around drunk. I know how Friday night is important to you, so I don’t go out on that day. But, seriously, don’t expect to understand you other irrational decisions.

I won’t stop expressing myself just because you say so. I won’t let anyone tell me that I need to shut up because you’re always right.

I will never understand the lack of trust you carry towards your own family, and the fact that I cannot date anyone because I might get molested and raped by every single guy in this city. Stop making me feel like I was born yesterday. Let me make my own mistakes for god’s sake!

The restrictions you place on me aren’t for my own good, they’re to please yourself and earn a good reputation. You don’t care about my feelings because you think I’m too young for everything.

How much longer will you dig your claws into me? I’m a feminist, but so what? Is it a sin to believe that women and men should be equal and that both should clean, cook and raise their children together? Why are all of these roles thrown at us? Why is the fear of a woman being is educated such a threat to you? Does it scare you to see her stand up for herself because she knows what is going on around her? Why, because you know that deep inside, the weakest one, is in fact, you?  

Well, suck it up! Don’t let women feel like prisoners because of you’re an ignorant coward. Get over yourself and let me live my life. The way I want to, not the way you want to.

I didn't go overboard, right?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Legalizing Prostitution

This is my first writing piece for my Writer's Craft course. Unfortunately, this less than 250 word piece didn't turn out as good as I hoped it would...well anyways, hope you enjoy it :D

I believe that legalizing prostitution is the right decision to make, despite it being against my morals. I cannot judge individuals who turn towards prostitution because I don’t know their reasons for doing so. I can, however, say that living a life in fear, and suffering in silence should not be tolerated by any individual, even if the reason is prostitution.
By legalizing prostitution -and no, it isn’t the end of the world - we are able to provide a safer and cleaner environment for both women and men in that industry. Legalizing prostitution will reduce the amount of sexually transmitted diseases and ensure a violence-free environment for its workers.  
Benefits of legalizing prostitution cannot be guaranteed with illegal prostitution. Take abuse as an example: a woman selling herself will be charged for prostitution if she reports being abused by a client to the police. Legalizing prostitution will solve this problem; women and men will not be afraid to report abuse cases, reducing street violence.
What’s in it for the government? Legalizing prostitution isn’t only beneficial for society because it is also a direct profit for the government. If prostitution is registered, the government can collect tax money from workers in this business, increasing overall government spending revenue.
Let’s face it – people in the prostitution business have been working in the field whether or not it is legal. Legalizing it would drastically decrease violence and diseases occurring in this industry; as it will also be beneficial for the government.

You Took It All Away on Wattpad

The Lies That Bind on Wattpad

Misunderstandings on Wattpad

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